46 majority Muslim countries. 23 have Islam as the state religion. 1 Jewish state.

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Your anti Zionist Jewish and Gentile colleagues know who to be "in solidarity" with. Ha Aretz....especially Gideon Levi and Amira Hass, Peter Beinart, B'Tselem, zochorot...if it still exists....and the Oscar wnning documentary producer. They know to be in solidarity with "if not now", and jvp. And the IdFsoldiers who went on tours of campuses to "expose" the criminal nature of the IDf. They know that the IDF trains the American police to target "of color" Americans and to murder them at will and if not that at least oppress them so that that big zhick can''t walk out of a Yemini run bodega in Missouri with his bag of chips without being murdered by a white cop trained by the IDF for just this purpose.....keep Arab bodegas safe from stealers of six packs and chips.

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Well Argued

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You should send these comments to the media talking heads

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