This is really world class.

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Jan 4Edited

I'll have to go through this again thoroughly. Central to Palestinianism and that includes the "as a Jew" anti Zionist cult of if not now, jvp....Jews are members of a religious faith and are the nation of which they are born...Poland...as we hear ....we should go back to....in street disturbances. Jews don't require a state. To say that we do is "racist." Whereas Palestinians are today's Moabites, Jebusites....and Canannites so even the Bible says, the "Zionists racist of the BCE conquered the land from its indigenous "Arabs" who strangely didn't speak Arabic. So what do they ignore: they only know about the Moabites, Jebusites from the Hebrew scripture.

Josephus wrote theJewish Wars...not the Palestinian....he even speaks of our language...Aramaic....not even Hebrew....and NOT Arabic. The "Arab nation" like "the Turks" are 20th century notions. Lebanese Christians tired of being dhimmi could be part of the "Arab nation" and not marginalized as unbelievers.... Very few Jews became "Arab nation" believers...they were Jews. Very few Arabs accepted Jews as "Arab Nation" as they were Jews.

Today....it is part of the political ideology of Palestinianism to retroactively award Arabness on the Jews they formerly detested....all the holidays they shared together....all the live and let live before Zionism...."we all lived together in blessed Palestine" on Fb posts....

A detestable and cowardly people not worthy of being "Arab nation" that was Jews were hated before they were loved....even as they butcher us...they LOVE us....only the Polish babies of the kibbutzim were eradicated as trash....only "Polish" women were violated on Oct 7th.....NOT OUR Good Arab Jews.....some one named Ella Shohat at ccny is head of the Good ARAB JEWS who HATE gefilte fish and Ashkenzi Jews in general....

Is it Hitti who begins his tome how Arabs are pure Semites....the Jews are a mongrel people and certainly few if any are "Semites" For Hitti Semites are an advanced RACE and Jews most certainly are not. So Palestinianism is racist from the get go.....I'm not new to this Mr. Pessin.....I'm following this conflict since at least 1967 and the first time in my lifetime that the extermination of the Jews was seemingly about to happen....Nasser and Assad pere certainly wanted it....and I think the King of the Hashemites wanted it too.... I could write a lot more....I will go back over your essay. Oh yes, the first time I heard of Lord Montague in such glowing tones was from one Ghaazi Khankan ...who is googleable....who had an "Arab" music program in English in the sixties that I listened to late afternoons when NYC had "ethnic" radio stations like the Jewish WEVD....his Arab show was not on WEVD. Somehow my identity didn't mean I didn't enjoy UmKul Thum....even as a teenager.

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Includes some excellent arguments. Well researched. A bit too long for reading online.

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