One very difficult part of the entire controversy about Arabs v. Jews living in that area is this: Once a place is under Muslim control, it is henceforth ALWAYS considered (by them) to be Muslim land. So, even though the Brits removed 77% of what was designated by the League of Nations to become Israel and gave that land to create Jordan (Transjordan), the Arabs and most Muslims around the world will never be satisfied with that generous gift. Western people, those few who know this part of the history, should see this as a more than fair division of the land, 1/4 for Jews and 3/4 for Arabs. But the Muslims will never see this as a fair settlement because of their world view.

How to overcome this indoctrination, this 7th century ideology?

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I doubt that there is any country on earth as well documented as Israel. Ancient history, modern history , it's all there. If the people spewing slogans were invested at all in their opinions, they could easily find this information in any university library. But they are NOT interesting in anything besides 1960's drivel created by the Soviet Union's ministry of propaganda. What young Jewish people need to know is the history of Israel so they can respond to accusations of "stolen land". And the accusation came from someone in Boston.....fer crying in the sink. Boston is stolen land.

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I don't won't read Khalidi's tome which is probably standard reading in mid east studies now....or Said's ....the injustice as they see it.....a land which had been overtaken by Muslim hegemony early in Islamic history cannot be undone or "Judaized" See I can employ the language of the left too. Islamic supremacism is the rule in all Muslim nations. Hamas is such an organization. More Islamic than nationalist. Like nazi germany, they are now in an existential war to save Islam from the Jews who are scheming and plotting endlessly to destroy Islam as even the Quran reveals. 50 years of Jew Hate weeks sanctioned by university administrations, BDS, attacks on Holocaust observance as too focused on Jewish suffering(alleged) and not enough on Nakba or Palestine's suffering at the hands

of Jews. Doesn't take into consideration Germany's legitimate claims and fears. Zionist history is one of myths. Jews of today are descendants of a mass conversion in anti Jewish Europe. Or the Khazar...however as even one of the seminal tomes on Arab history says....Jews are not real Semites....the Arabs...the noble Arabs are. Jews are racist. the Noble and real Semites are not.

You've covered it. There is nothing that the Palestine advocates will accept except the dissolution of Israel ...either voluntarily or by violence...any means.....and its replacment by Palestine... a totally Arb state.....with few if any Jews residing and if any do they will have a court Jew in Parliament like the court Jew in th Majlis in Iran. Or as I used to hear from the lone pro Arab advocate in th sixites...if the USA thinks so much of the Jews, give them a state in Arizona. Or as Helen Thomas said...(Jews) get the hell out of Palestine.

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Thank you for this. It's an excellent essay, and I agree with about 99% of it. So, like all commenters, I will focus on the tiny sliver with which I disagree!

"at the time of the U.N. Partition proposal’s passing in November of 1947 there were zero Palestinian refugees. Zionism itself, in other words, displaced no one."

I believe that is demonstrably false. Lots and lots of Arabs were forced from lands their families had long inhabited. Some of this happened because the newly arrived Jews bought land legally and tenant farmers were no longer allowed to remain. Some happened because of economic pressure, e.g., the Jews deciding only to trade with other Jews, making it impossible for Arabs to survive where they had long been. Etc. So no, it wasn't driving them out at gunpoint (at least not much), but it absolutely was a displacement.

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Thanks for this. That's why I chose the language carefully: zero 'refugees', as that term is used then and today. There was economic displacement, but it wasn't large-scale, it was also caused by Arabs selling land to other Arabs, maybe best understood as a form of modernization or gentrification in today's language--plus there were various programs established I think by the Brits to help resettle those who were displaced in this way. None were driven from the country I believe too, and none were considered refugees. That's all part of the larger point -- that the serious "refugee" problem was caused by the subsequent war, initiated by the Arabs, not by Zionism itself.

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Arabs immigrated to Mandate Palestine from surrounding land s to take advantage of Jewish initiative. You know this. I've read that in the 19th century as Jews were founding new villages and town and farm, Arabs were also establishing new settlements. I've written before on your page that the Arabs displaced from lands Jews bought from Arabs in Beirut still expected that they had the right to farm that land. From Jews and Arabs in Ottoman Palestine ...which I think is an objective study.

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I read somewhere that in Germany in the 1920s someone wrote a very intelligent and effective book refuting National Socialism. The National Socialists paid no attention to it.

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They mostly displaced themselves at the behest of the invading Arab armies who told them to get out because the invading armies were going to kill everyone and didn't have time to segregate Arab from Jew. I believe some Arabs were forced out but they were small in number and few were landowners, as you point out. The Arabs have no remorse for displacing 750K Jews from Arab lands (after treating them like sh*t for 1400 years). They only see the suffering of their own people and they only care about THAT in the case of the Palestinians as a tool to attack the Jews.

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