Dec 28, 2023Liked by Andrew Pessin

I have to say, not quite. First, in order to change the minds of the faux left, one has to speak in the language of the faux left. Second, the Jews are not the perpetrators at all here; the perpetrators are antisemites across the Western and Arab/Muslim worlds. The perpetrators should compensate the victims. Unless these faux leftists want to explicitly take the side of Nazi Germany, they have to accept that the Holocaust made most of the Jews fighting in 1948 into refugees who had only one place to go; so are they saying that Jews who are refugees are "colonizers" while every other refugee is a refugee who must be welcomed by every nation? Is their argument that Jews had no right to survive the Holocaust, that it was an injustice for us to not die?

Yes, fine, the Palestinians say they want a nation of their own, and it is an injustice to the Palestinians that the Jews returned, yet again, to Israel, and liberated Jerusalem from non-Jewish control for the fifth time so far in history. To be fair to the Palestinians, the land of Israel was fairly depopulated when the first Muslims colonized it, because of the recent bloody end of the 12th Jewish uprising seeking to liberate it from foreign control in an 1100 year period, combined with a devastating pandemic sweeping through.

The Palestinians, partially because they are misled by the faux left into thinking that some level of violence will cause the Jews to just leave, and because they are misled by their own leaders who deny the 1100 years of Jewish control of Israel, while fighting all the major empires of the day, ever happened, deny that the twelve uprisings against the major powers of the day, before modern times, ever happened, deny that the Jews are the only indigenous tribe to be ethnically cleansed from their lands and to return even once, and we have returned twice. Only a blinding ignorance of history can lead the Palestinians to think that violence will prove effective. And who benefits? Does the faux left think that ONLY Western people can be evil and greedy? Is that why they ignore the obvious fact that Hamas is lead by war profiteers, three of whom are worth a combined $11 billion dollars? What other "resistance" movement has been lead by three billionaires? Is the faux left now willing to march and fight for the profits of billionaires? When did that happen? When are they marching to defend Elon Musk?

NO, the Jews are not leaving, and the Palestinians say all of the land is theirs, at least the large majority say that. Palestinian violence only makes a few billionaires more wealthy, they are the only ones benefiting in any way, so, is the faux left just in love with billionaire war profiteers now? Or, are you just in favor of Palestinian violence, which leads to a lot of Palestinian suffering and death, because you are an antisemite? The only solution is a peaceful solution, and that starts by educating the Palestinians so they know that the Jews are not to blame here, less than half of all the Jews who have moved to Israel in the last 140 years did so because they WANTED to move to Israel; the majority moved because they had to move to survive, and Israel was the only possible choice of where to go. Further, the Palestinians should know that, as we are closely related to them genetically, we also have a completely irrational and unhinged attachment to Israel and they will never be rid of us. Even if they were to drive the Jews out of Israel, we would just come back a third time.

The people to blame should compensate the Palestinians, and I would include the faux left in the list of people who should compensate the Palestinians. It is not as if they have done nothing to perpetuate the violence, and to make the suffering of the Palestinians worse.

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Our obsession with moralism distracts us from a clearer view of the founding of Israel.

The purpose of establishing the state of Israel was to create a safe place for Jews. Given the Holocaust, and centuries of other oppressions of the Jewish people, this goal was certainly understandable and reasonable.

The creation of a Jewish state was not the problem. The problem is WHERE the founders decided to create the Jewish state.

Simple common sense should reveal that anyone seeking peace and security should not build their house right smack dab in the middle of a region dominated by psychopathic despots.

This isn’t a moral problem, it’s a tactical problem, a fundamental mistake by the founders of Israel which didn’t serve the goal of making Jews safe.

The sad irony is that, with the benefit of hindsight, we can now see that Jews would have been safer had they simply stayed in Europe.

Please forget about all the finger pointing moralism by all sides which has never made anyone in the region safe. That too is a failed strategy.

And because of this stubborn addiction to failed strategies by everyone involved in the conflict, the prospect for peace between Israelis and Palestinians is now officially dead. This is the price tag for refusing to align one’s tactics with one’s goals. A failure to reach one’s goals.

I’ve yet to read a single commentator on Substack who understands that peace is now dead, and that this makes all the usual analysis which has been endlessly repeated for 75 years outdated, irrelevant, and pointless.

It no longer matters who is right or who is wrong and all of that. The parties to the conflict are going to fight to the death over a scrap of desert in one of the worst neighborhoods on Earth, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

The next event of any significance will be the introduction of WMD in to the conflict.

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Very well spoken. Very good explanation. Thank you so much! 🥰🥰

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Granting false claims in order to meet the haters half way is not a good starting point, I believe. Taking up their suggestion of a peaceful democratic binational state as the best compromise between the national aspirations of two peoples on the same territory I would think is more promising. I like this idea of going back to the beginning of the British mandate and start all over again, if only because it was then that things started to go wrong. However, it cannot be done in the literal sense, the whole history between then and now has to be reckoned with. This means that two major hurdles need to be overcome. (1) If a peace accord on a one-state-solution is meant in good faith to put a definitive end to the 100-year war for Muslim supremacy in Palestine, then this 100-year war against the one-state-solution the British mandate was meant to bring about has to be acknowledged as an unlawful war by those who started it. Not only must they accept defeat in this unjust war, they also must accept the consequences of that defeat, i.e. their responsibility for both the Palestinian and the Jewish refugee problems. (2) The asymmetry of a Jewish majority in this binational state must also be accepted, as it is still the only means to have a Jewish majority state next to numerous Muslim majority states. Everything else is negotiable, I would think. From what I understand, the Arab 'normalizing' states are already there, although reluctant to say so openly. But their wish to put an end to the genocidal apocalyptic war plan enacted by Iran and its IRGC affiliates in Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen seems clear enough. Why would the US and EU governments not be willing to back them if that wish is shared and clearly announced? The decisive vote, of course, is with the Palestinians and the Israelis, in that order. The Palestinians will first have to stage a successful revolt against their corrupt and terrorist leaderships, and disarm all the thugs with the guns. Even with the help of the IDF that won't be easy, as the war against Hamas is showing us. But accepting defeat and laying down arms always go together, there is no other way.

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Jews occupying Muslim land is an abomination; the rest is subterfuge

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