Extremely well researched and well written. Indeed, if these were put alongside a destination between sovereign Israel where there is systematic descrimination, but no more so than in the US, UK, France, etc. and the West Bank where there is occupation, de facto apartheid and abuses well-documented by reliable sources such as Betzelem, Michael Sfard and Yeah Din, R. Arik Asherman and Rabbis for Human Rights, Machsom Watch, et al. Acknowledging this does nothing to harm Israel, it is merely a first necessary step in being listened to when you then point out the descriptions and lies of those who wish only to slander Israel.

The Occupation corrupts, as my mother's generation used to say, not knowing how prophetic it was. If advocates, yaani, on all sides, did as you suggest above, then there could be far more of a conversation, a discussion and a productive dialogue which could actually benefit the lives of all the people of this land. A big *if*, but a good place to start. Thank you for this.

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Very well written article, I believe an honest response to the title of your article on How To Be Pro Palestinian.....

Is that there is no way not to be an antisemite.

Spoiler Alert its not the Jews

Why could you not be honest and say that what makes this idea almost impossible, is the non stop, unfettered hatred, taught to Arab children, from birth. The level of hatred in the Arab World , and spread in the west, and has Always been here in the west, this hatred is impossible to change or to manage. It is ingrained , it has poisoned the minds of generations of children and adults , that will be carried through, I dare say, to their death.

Why could you not be honest, and just say the holy book has passages calling for the death of Jews. That Jews must be eradicated ,correct me if I'm wrong.

Imams call for the death of Jews everywhere, from Tehran to Toronto, Melbourne to Montreal, Paris to Pittsburgh. Every last Jew, every one, please dont deny this fact. The throngs of supporters cheering and saying amen, yes amen to kill every jew. Chants of gas them, kill them, with joy, fervor, and pride. The holy book gives warrant for such acts.

University heads saying calls for genocide have to be taken into "context". Only an approval for how far you can go,without actually attacking someone, lets push the envelope. It is an incitement to violence.

There is so much more.

Please explain how you hope to peacefully change the narriative of this terrible situation. Are you going to ask for monumental changes to a holy book. To change scripture, no, that's a non starter, are you going to change minds filled with ingrained hate, no you cant,you can try,good luck with that.

Are you going to stop Hate Preachers, fat chance with that.

So how are all the points that you made in your writing, going to come about , without tackling the elephant in the room.

Best of luck to you, I wish you well.

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Thanks for your comment; I don't actually disagree with anything you say here -- in fact the subtitle of the article is really about making this point -- by showing how one *could* be 'pro-palestinian' w/o being antisemitic reveals that those who don't do those things really *are* antisemites, which would then be the segue to many of your points ...

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Just a small follow up, have you ever noticed how easy it is for hate to explode, but love not so much......

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Andrew Thanks for the response.we agree on your points.

If I may,we could use as an example, the Catholic/ Protestant wars in Ireland, long simmering disputes that can turn into all out hatred and violence. Orthodox Christians/ Muslim in Bosnia with Serbs and Bosnians .

The deep seated hatred , mistrust, that is held within these peoples and territories, I say this hatred will never be eradicated.

As demonstrated in the previous . Bosnian war, Serbs would have no issue in the eradication of muslims, by murdering ,raping,of innocent Bosnian Muslims, men women and children. They already have shown the ability to do so.For that matter, Croats and Slovenians would be next on their list of conquest, revenge.

So your very well written article, point by point , might be used as a template to show a way forward, my question to you is, are any in the Arab world listening.

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